Curates Update

Tuesday 2nd January 2024

As Steve and Caroline are away having a well-earned holiday, it’s a Curate Takeover for the Update this week! 

Firstly, I hope and pray that you have all had a joyous Christmas. We are so thankful to all of you who came and/or helped out at our Christmas services. It was lovely to celebrate with you all and remember the joy of Jesus together. This would not have been possible without your help and hard work - so thank you! As always, we invite feedback by email to one of the clergy.

Tonight, at the beginning of a new year, we have the opportunity to get together at our monthly Prayer Gathering to commit the year to God and pray. Would love to see you at St. Stephen's at 8pm this evening for an hour.

This Sunday we are celebrating Epiphany and return to our usual Sunday service format of 9am Communion and 10:30am All Age Worship. It will be amazing to worship together as we start 2024 and a new year of our life together at St. Stephen's.

Finally, at the start of a new year, my spiritual director always encourages me to prayerfully choose a word and/or a scripture passage to accompany through the year. Maybe this is something you would like to have a go at? My spiritual director has written some blogs that might be helpful in discerning what your word might be. 

God bless and have a great week! 
