St Stephen's News Mailing

Electoral Roll 
A reminder that the closing date for new applications, in time for new members to be able to vote at the annual meeting, is this Sunday, 21st.  You can complete your application here. If you are a regular attendee we do encourage you to join, click here for more information.
Christians Against Poverty
This Sunday, 21st April, our guest speaker will be Mark Dishley, who runs the Ealing branch of Christians Against Poverty (CAP) one of our Mission Partners. Mark will tell us how CAP help people manage debt, and supports them in many ways to prevent further problems. Come to hear Mark, chat with him at Café or watch him talk on the live-streamed 10.30am service if you're away.
Bishop Lusa's Visit
On Monday, 22nd April, our Bishop Lusa of Willesden is cycling to all the churches in the Diocese who have gained a Silver Award from Eco Church. We are one of those churches and he plans to arrive at 3pm. He is a keen environmentalist and would love to meet some of us on Monday afternoon. He can only stay 15 mins before biking on to St. Barnabas, Pitshanger Lane. Please join us if you can.

We will be planting two of three new trees in the garden this week, to replace the mature oak tree that had to be felled. Under instruction from the London Borough of Ealing, the Rowan and Field Maple are native trees. Both offer beautiful leaves, flowers and fruits which will benefit biodiversity - insects and birds in particular. Do take a look.
No Mow May
The annual campaign by Plantlife starts on 1st May. Take a rest from the strimmer and mower, to help our bees, butterflies and other wildlife by allowing grass and wildflowers grow - which also helps to tackle pollution and lock away carbon in the earth. Our Council takes part, so you may see verges and wilder areas of our parks look more natural. 20 million homes across the country have gardens - so collectively we can do a huge amount to help restore many habitats and species. Give it a go and let us know what unexpected plants pop up in May?
Christian Aid Week 11th - 19th May
This year, the focus is - Pushing Back Against Poverty, and features the work of Christian Aid in Burundi, Africa.

Saturday 11th May
We start with the Freedom Walk. A group of us plan to join others supporting Christian Aid in a fascinating guided walk from All Hallows by the Tower to St. Paul's Cathedral. Speak to Sue Charlton during Café, or contact her on 07908 840 954 for more information and to register. You can sponsor us here.

Sunday 12th May
We're holding a sale of Books, Jigsaws and table-top games from Café time onwards - please donate what you can, come along to see what's available to buy. At 3pm, a concert will be held in Church with tea and cakes to follow. Helen Vickery's Choir will entertain with a medley of beautiful music. Bring friends. Children MOST welcome! Free entry. Donations to Christian Aid, by card or cash on the day.

Sunday 19th May
Our guest speaker in services will be Rev. Mohammad Eghtedarian, Church Supporter for Christian Aid, telling us about the work of Christian Aid across the world. Sales of seedlings, plants, cakes and cookies from Café onwards - please bake, sow and pot up plants for sale and bring them to church for the day! 
Please see the Notice Board in the Church Centre for more information on how you can get involved this Christian Aid Week
Annual Meeting
Sunday evening 19th May 6.30, followed by refreshments – even though we don’t have a vicar, this is still an important meeting where we can share progress on the vacancy as well as electing Churchwardens and PCC members. Do pop it in your diary!  The papers will be uploaded over the coming fortnight on our website.

Elections to our Church Council
Nominations open on Sunday 28 April and are invited for the following:
2 Churchwardens to serve for 1 year
3 PCC members to serve for 3 years
1 PCC member for 2 years 
More information here.  Please think about whether you would like to stand or whether you might nominate someone who would like to stand. Queries to current Churchwardens Mary Ann Auckland or Ann Toley or PCC Secretary Jane Maffett.
Entrance Improvement Works
The first stage of the project to improve the entrance area is due to start on Monday 29 April. This is the foundation works for the area outside the current front doors. It will also involve some new drainage pipes. As a result there will be no access to the car park and the entrance to the church buildings will be through the meeting room or directly to the hall via the fire exit door when that is in use. All areas within the church buildings will be accessible during this stage. The work is expected to take two months - i.e. until the end of June."
Lent Appeals
We will be sending the our Mission Partners, the Amos Trust £2,223 for their Gaza Appeal; and (thanks to the generous late response last week) have raised enough to cover the 78 Easter Eggs sent to the women in the Marylebone project and send £80 cash in addition. Also Sue Charlton raised an extra £706 from her Sponsored ‘walk the Wall’, for the Gaza Appeal and rebuilding a Palestinian home. A huge ‘thank you’ to all who contributed.
A group for the over 60s, meets weekly in term time Friday 2.30 – 4.00. Coming up – special guest Peter Charlton on 26 April, talking about his career – ‘Hey-diddley-dee, an actor's life for me!’
Parish Prayer
These are the streets in our parish we are praying for this fortnight – please do pray for all who live there and for people to come to know Jesus
Castlebar Hill
Victoria Road
Kent Gardens
Prayer for the Week
Risen Christ,
faithful shepherd of your Father’s sheep:
teach us to hear your voice
and to follow your command,
that all your people may be gathered into one flock,
to the glory of God the Father. Amen.